actress, musician
Award-winning Croatian artist with more than fifteen years of experience in theatre productions and versatile musical collaborations. After ten years of involvement in the Kerempuh theater, she continues her acting and musical career as an independent artist and develops theater projects, along with musical productions and education in Berlin.
Academic actress Maja Posavec began her professional theatre career with the theatre Ulysses in the performance of Petrica Kerempuh’s ballad. The cooperation has continued over the years and continues today.
In more than ten years at the Kerempuh Theater, she performed more than fifteen roles in classical and satirical plays.
She collaborated on many theatre projects and was awarded for her acting work.

In addition to theatre awards, she is especially proud of two film awards for the main role in the short films Kišobran 2013 and Krhko 2021 at the Croatian Film Days festival.
She started her professional music career in the group Detour, where she worked as a singer and author. With them, she released three albums Detour, Detour TV, and What if I.
She has recorded two independent albums, in 2018 If I Would Have No Fear, and in 2021, Bye Bye Saturn.
In 2017, she created An Evening with Leonard Cohen program with jazz guitarist Ivan Kapec.
They recorded the same tittel album in 2019 and continuously hold concerts accompanied by a jazz quartet.

She actively cooperates with the Grupa Theatre. As a creative collaborator, she participated in the development of the plays Double Axl and Masks, where an emphasis was on neutral masks, commedia dell’arte masks, and clowning. She collaborates with the Teatr25 theatre as a composer for their productions in Zagreb and Madrid and works within the M25 platform.
Through her author’s alias POMA – Maja Posavec, combines her musical and theatrical practice, creating projects unencumbered by previous authors’ work, either as an actress or a musician.
The Leaving a Lover project is part of the artistic research she is developing at the Catalyst Institute in Berlin.
Photography by: Vesna Zednik